Website Creation Service

Have your website made for you.

  • WordPress Based Website (up to 8 pages) £400 plus VAT
  • Weebly Based Website (up to 8 pages) £250 plus VAT

Website Creation Service

Website creation service, have your website made for you.

There’s a lot involved in making a website. There’s the part that you, and your site visitors see, there’s also the part that the browser reads and turns in to a visible website and there’s also the parts that search engine robots read to establish how your website should be found in search engine results.

Developing a website that performs well for all of the factors mentioned above can be quite a task if you’ve not made a website before. It can be time consuming and laborious, and it can involve a lot of reading, learning and working out how to do things. Not everybody that needs a website has the time or inclination to do all of these things, and not everyone takes well to website development, which is why we’ve started offering a website creation service.

We’ve been working with websites and hosting them for over 20 years. We’ve been supporting website owners, design studios, SEO agencies and web developers on a day to day basis. Now you can gain the benefits of our experience by having us make your website for you, at a very reasonable cost.

You’ll need a domain and a hosting account to make use of the website creation service, which we can provide you with. Due to the performance optimisation aspect of this service, we currently only provide this service to customers hosted with us.

Have a question? Get in touch with our website design experts today.

All Websites Come With:
  • Between 5 and 8 pages
  • Content specific to your requirements
  • Full on page search engine optimisation
  • Performance optimisation
  • HTTPS by default
  • Web optimised stock images (or you can provide your own)
  • Two revision cycles
  • Built in contact form
  • Google place integration
  • Submission to major search engines
Highly rated on (4.8) trustpilot rating
WordPress Website Creation
  • WordPress CMS
  • Up to 8 pages
  • Gallery available
  • Define your own text (optional)
  • Provide required images (optional)
  • Contact form available
  • Google places integration (full)
  • Performance optimsied (full)
  • On page SEO (full)
  • Submission to major search engines
Weebly Website Creation
  • Weebly Site Builder
  • Up to 5 pages
  • Gallery available
  • Define your own text (optional)
  • Provide required images (optional)
  • Contact form available
  • Google places integration (limited)
  • Performance optimsied (limited)
  • On page SEO (limited)
  • Submission to major search engines
Weebly or WordPress?

If you’re not sure which of the website creation services you’ll need, what follows should help you decide.


Why you might like WordPress:

  • Granular administration and control.
  • Improved search engine optimisation.
  • Improve performance optimisation.
  • Rich plugin and theme ecosystem.

Why you might not like WordPress:

  • Technical CMS (harder to use).
  • Some IT literacy required.

Why you might like Weebly:

  • Easy to use website builder.
  • Minimal IT literacy required.

Why you might not like Weebly:

  • Basic functionality.
  • Reduced SEO options.
  • Reduce performance optimisation.
  • Lack of granular control.

WordPress provides a much greater degree of control over your websites pages. This means that it can be made more appealing to search engines, and have improved rankings in search engine results. It also means that performance optimisation can be carried out to a much greater degree, resulting in faster page load times. WordPress also has a rich plugin and theme ecosystem so websites can be customised or gain more functionality if you want to add this in the future.

WordPress is harder to use than Weebly. Although this service provides you with a website, if you’d like to be able to manage your website in the future, WordPress can be hard to use for people that aren’t particularly IT literate.

Wordpress website creation

Weebly is very easy to use. If you’re not enormously IT literate but like the idea of being able to updated and add to your website in the future, Weebly might well be a good choice for you. If you’re able to make a poster using a computer, you’ll be able to use Weebly without too much effort.

Because Weebly has been designed to be easy to use, a lot of the more complex functionality isn’t available. Whilst this is a good thing for people that don’t wan tan overly complex way of managing a website, it’s functionality can be basic (contact forms and galleries are about as complicated as it gets). Weebly also lacks the granular control that’s needed to carry out full performance optimisation and search engine optimisation. Although SEO and performance can be improved to a degree, this can’t be taken as far as with the WordPress offering.

weebly website builder

Use WordPress if:

  • Search engine rankings are important to you.
  • Page load times and performance are important to you.
  • If you don’t mind a complex CMS.
  • If you’d like to add functionality or customise your site in the future.

Use Weebly if:

  • You’d like a simple way of updating yoursite in the future.
  • You don’t require any bespoke or complex functionality.
  • If your target audience will organically visit your site (e.g. a club or society)
Why Choose Us?
21 Years of Excellence
Website Creation Service
7 Day Money-Back Guarantee
Wordpress Website Creation Service
24/7 Unrivalled Support
Weebly Website Creation Service
UK Based Servers and Support
small business website creation
Instant Hosting Setup
Websites for small businesses
99.9% Guaranteed Uptime
Website made for you
cPanel Access as Standard
Low cost website creation