Hosted Exchange

Hosted Exchange.

hosted exchange

Cost effective and secure

Now more than ever, bussinesses need cost-effective, flexible and reliable communication tools. With Hosted Exchange 2016, emails, calendar updates and contact sharing all become instant.

Our fully-managed Hosted Exchange allows you to reduce IT overheads when compared to running on-site Exchange servers. You can also reduce costs by removing the need for expensive hardware installations that require ongoing maintenance.

Hosted Exchange is resilient and secure. In addition, every email is scanned for spam and viruses before it arrives in your inbox further improving efficiency.

Outlook with hosted exchange

With Hosted Exchange, it’s easy to see the benefits:

Hosted ExchangeHosted Exchange With Outlook
Latest Exchange Server Technology
Mailbox Size50GB50GB
Outlook Anywhere access
Outlook Web Access
Instant Push email
Organisation-wide Address List
Shared calendars
Shared tasks
Shared contacts
Mobile ‘Push & Sync’ technology
Sync with iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, Android etc
Sync with Blackberry 10
Remote mobile data wipe
Multiple UK-based data-centres
Data replication for peace-of-mind
Ultra resilience
Anti-Virus protection
Instant activation and provisioning
No set-up fees
40MB attachment size
No minimum mailboxes
24/7 Customer Support
14 Day Money Back Guarantee
Optional Outlook 2016 licence (PC)
Optional Outlook licence (Mac)
All quoted prices exclude VAT
Highly rated on (4.8) trustpilot rating
A service you can rely on

Hosted Exchange servers are triple-hosted. Using multilayered systems distributed across various locations, so in the event of a server outage, traffic will automatically switch to a secondary data centre and services will resume.

Why Choose Us?
21 Years of Excellence
21 years of experience
7 Day Money-Back Guarantee
Web Host Guarantee
24/7 Unrivalled Support
Best WordPress hosting
UK Based Servers and Support
Wordpress hosting in UK
Instant Hosting Setup
21 years of experience
99.9% Guaranteed Uptime
Web Host Guarantee
cPanel Access as Standard
Best WordPress hosting