website optimisation service

Website Optimisation Service Launched by

Website Optimisation Service Launched by What is website optimisation? Website optimisation is the process undertaken to make a websites pages load in a reduced amount of time, with less work being carried out by the browser being used to access the page. Got that? Fantastic. There are quite a lot of components involved, from…

Underperforming website

The 7 Common Reasons Why Websites Underperforming: A Simple Guide to Diagnosing and Fixing the Issues

Are you scratching your head, trying to figure out why your website is underperforming? You’re not alone. Understanding why a website isn’t performing well can be a daunting task. Fortunately, we’ve put together some insights to help you identify specific issues and find solutions. 1. Slow Loading Time No one wants to wait around for…

Web design mockup

5 Things to Consider Before Setting Up Your Website

Now more than ever, having a website for your business is essential for attracting new customers. With the Covid 19 pandemic limiting access to shops and non-essential businesses, many companies have seen a drop in their income and have been forced to adapt to the new normal in order to survive. With many people switching…

Photographer template for Weebly

What is the best website builder for small business?

Every business needs a website; however, every business cannot afford to hire a web designer simply to create a website. That’s why easy to use website builders were created. Most website builders use drag and drop mechanics to create an easy, seamless experience for their users. Not all website builders are created equally though. Weebly…