Improve WordPress Performance - A real world example

Improve WordPress Performance – A real world example

Improve WordPress Performance, a real world example. How this was implemented on a website to reduce WordPress page load times, pass core web vitals, improve user experience, gain improved rankings, increase traffic, and extend engagement times. Table of Contents The task: Improve a WordPress Website’s Performance First steps The mobile menu problem: The cause of…

website optimisation service

Website Optimisation Service Launched by

Website Optimisation Service Launched by What is website optimisation? Website optimisation is the process undertaken to make a websites pages load in a reduced amount of time, with less work being carried out by the browser being used to access the page. Got that? Fantastic. There are quite a lot of components involved, from…

Underperforming website

The 7 Common Reasons Why Websites Underperforming: A Simple Guide to Diagnosing and Fixing the Issues

Are you scratching your head, trying to figure out why your website is underperforming? You’re not alone. Understanding why a website isn’t performing well can be a daunting task. Fortunately, we’ve put together some insights to help you identify specific issues and find solutions. 1. Slow Loading Time No one wants to wait around for…