Wordpress website

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world. As of this writing, over a third of websites on the Internet are run using WordPress, including 22% of the world’s most successful e-commerce sites.

It’s a versatile platform and one that many hosting companies like to include in their packages. But what should you be looking for when it comes to a WordPress hosting provider?

Shared Hosting

The cheapest way to host WordPress is through a shared hosting solution. It’s a popular choice for beginners or for companies with small website demands. As the name implies, a shared hosting package involves several users sharing a single server. This means that the host often has to apply usage restrictions to prevent the server from being overloaded. It’s a great solution for individuals or small businesses but, as your brand grows, you may find yourself outgrowing it.

Shared packages targeted to hosting WordPress websites include features that make the sites easy to set up such as one click WordPress installation, unlimited databases and access to free site builder software like Weebly.

Dedicated Server Hosting

Dedicated server hosting is the solution of choice for websites that handle large amounts of monthly traffic. It comprises a physical computer server, one that you lease directly from your hosting provider. It’s much like the shared hosting service in that way, except the only websites on the server are yours, so you benefit from the full available resources (i.e. bandwidth, web space, etc).

Cloud VPS Hosting

VPS (or Virtual Private Server) hosting is also referred to as cloud hosting. In essence, a site is duplicated across multiple servers, offering more power, more bandwidth, and greater security. It also provides more reliability compared to free and shared hosting packages since, if one server fails or the resources are limited, the request is transferred to a server that is working or is less busy. Cloud hosting is becoming ever more popular, especially among businesses with ambitions to go big.

Here at NetNerd, we offer a range of hosting options that are compatible with WordPress websites; suitable for any business or individual. View the packages on our website for more information, or call us on 0333 222 4080 and a member of our team will help you find the right hosting package for your requirements.

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