cloud hosting

When you come to choose the right platform on which to host your website, it pays to have one eye on the future. You need to know that, when your online presence starts to grow, you will have sufficient resources to keep it running efficiently. Not having sufficient resources can cause your website to be unavailable at peak times, resulting in lost visitors and conversions.

So what’s the solution to this very common problem? Simply put – scalability.

What is scalability?

Simply put, scalability is the ability to change the size of your hosting package as required.

At NetNerd, we offer a range of cloud hosting options, starting with our essentials package that includes 1gb of disk space and 10gb of bandwidth all the way up to our business cloud hosting package that includes 30gb of disk space and unlimited bandwidth. If you require more resources than this, you can migrate to our managed cloud VPS packages which offer between 30gb and 120gb of disk space and unlimited bandwidth. With seven packages available with varying resource allowances, you can increase your usage allowances quickly and easily at any point by visiting the NetNerd client area and selecting Upgrade/Downgrade.

Why might I need additional resources?

If you add an extensive product database to your ecommerce site for example, you will require additional hosting resources to allow for an increased number of files and larger file sizes. Likewise if you add a number of videos directly to the site, or a collection of high-resolution images.

It’s not just content, either – as your website attracts more visitors, more people will be trying to access the resources at the same time. With scalable cloud hosting, you can monitor your allocation usage and adjust as you see your traffic approaching the current limits.

Why not just use a larger hosting package to begin with?

It’s a fair question, and one that we get a lot when we discuss scalability. You can, of course, choose a cloud web hosting package with a larger capacity than you’re expecting to use from the beginning. This – by definition – gives you and your website room to grow, right?

Technically, yes, but if you choose a larger package with the intention of growing your brand and the process is slower than expected, you’re paying for space you’re not using.

Is scalable cloud hosting the answer?

By using a scalable cloud hosting service, you’re only paying for the resources you actually need rather than wasting money paying for an empty plot of cyberspace. You can also choose to upgrade to receive the extra resources you need, when you need them.

If your website could benefit from a scalable cloud hosting solution, visit NetNerd today to view your options and purchase online. Alternatively, for more information or advice on the ideal cloud hosting solution for you, call the team on 0333 222 4080.

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